Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Important Days in December

Friday, December 2nd
Flashlight Friday

Monday, December 12th
Early Dismissal at 2:30pm

Monday, December 19th
Christmas Sweater Day
Christmas Concert at 7:00pm

Tuesday, December 20th
Formal and Photo Booth Day

Wednesday, December 21st
Pizza and Pajama Day
Last Day of School for 2016

Thursday, December 22nd
Christmas Break Begins

Tuesday, January 3rd
School Begins

Flu Shots

Yesterday we had Miss Rasmussen at the school to give flu shots.  Mrs. Dyck and myself got our shot in front of the students, with the hope that this would diminish some of the fears associated with getting needles.

We are proud to say that our students all willingly got their flu shot AND no one ran away!  What a brave group of students we have!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Flashlight Friday

On Friday, December 2nd we will be having our first "Flashlight Friday" in our classroom. We ask that all students wear pajamas AND bring their own flashlight for that day. We have some special activities planned for that day, involving our current areas of study, and we are excited for it to arrive!

Scarf fundraiser tomorrow

The SRC is asking Staff and Students to wear a scarf tomorrow! The SRC will come around and count how many scarves are worn and donate $1/scarf to Samaritan's Purse. The donation will be used to buy more supplies to fill more shoe boxes from our community!!! Thank you!

Our Daily Schedule

We have had questions in the last few weeks about homework, and what the students actually miss when they are away from school, so we thought we would give an outline of what our typical day is like...

Morning Routine (morning message, counting practice, calendar skills, holidays/celebrations/season questions, days of the week, months of the year)
Viewing Practice (creating connections, inferences, asking questions)
Daily 5 (Reading to Self, Writing Practice, Word Work Practice and Guided Reading) 
Snack (food group sorting, mini-lesson on effects of nutritional values in given foods)
Star of the Week (Listening skills (listening for details to retell), Writing skills, printing practice, capitalization and punctuation practice, representing with pictures)
Math (Gr. 1-Teen numbers, counting practice forward/backward, writing numbers 0-20, building numbers with Base 10 blocks, building numbers with 10 frames, reading number words. Gr. 2-Place value, addition)
Focus Groups (individualized work on letters and letter sounds, sight words and sentence writing)
Writer's Workshop (writing from a picture prompt)
Reading Stamina practice (10 minutes of silent reading)
Daily 5 (Reading to Self, Writing Practice, Word Work Practice and Guided Reading) 
Novel Reading (listening to Reading, visualization strategies, vocabulary discussion, focus on characters, setting, and problem so far in the novel)
Social (Discussion on our Christmas celebrations, compare/contrast with classmate's celebrations)
Art (lesson on primary colors, painting activity)

This is an outline of what is in the day planner for tomorrow.
Not one of the outlined activities has a paper version that we can send home as homework.  Please know that when your child is absent from school, that even though they may not have "homework" that can be sent home, there is indeed a great amount of learning and discussion taking place when they are absent

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November Book Orders

Your child will bring home November Scholastic catalogs today.  Anyone interested in ordering books, please have a cheque and order forms returned by Thursday, November 24th.

If you would like to order anything for Christmas, and have it remain a secret, please attach a note to the order forms.

Thanks so much!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Family Celebrations ~ Due on Wednesday

Today your child is bringing home Social homework that targets family celebrations.  We are working towards recognizing celebrations around the world but first need to discuss how we celebrate in our homes.

Our goal for this sheet is to find out how our classroom celebrates in December.  Most of our students have said they celebrate Christmas BUT if you celebrate another holiday please tell us about it on the sheet provided.  For those celebrating Christmas, please give details as to what things you do to celebrate.

Please return the completed sheet on or before Wednesday. Thank you!

Grade One Math Work

Some of the Grade One students will be bringing Math work home with them today.  As we continue to learn about numbers, we have moved into the "teens".  We continue to work on reading the number words from 0-20 and ask that you please work on them each night, and return them to school the following day.  We will practice during Math class, and send them home again each night for further practice.

Thanks for your help.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Water Bottles

Please continue to send a refillable water bottle with your to school.

We strongly suggest that you send it FULL in the morning, so that we can limit the number of bottles filled at school.  We are spending a large amount of money refilling water bottles and providing cups, and until the water advisory ends, this is the best solution.  We will also do our best to make sure that water bottles are going home each night to be cleaned and refilled.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Student Led Conferences

Tuesday and Wednesday we will be holding Student Led Conferences. This is a time reserved for you, and your child, to discuss what they have been learning in the first term of study.  Your child will be the leader of the conference (with some prompting from the teacher) and will talk about their strengths, their plans and goals of what to work on and their favourite things about school.

These conferences are a maximum of 15 minutes, and are coordinated from K-12.  We don't want you to feel rushed, however if we run late it changes the schedules of the entire school.  We ask that you arrive 5 minutes prior to your scheduled time, and keep it to under 15 minutes.

Again, this is a time for your child to speak about what they are learning and their goals.  If you have other concerns, we will gladly schedule another time to discuss them when your child is not present and we are not bound to a 15 minute time frame.

We look forward to seeing you all over the next two days!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Word Rings, Library Books and Daily Reading

We just want to send a reminder about the importance of the word rings and daily reading with your child. The word rings are considered "sight words" and are the most prominent words used in books.  The words they learn from the word rings are the building blocks of reading, and the sooner those building blocks become solid, the sooner your child becomes a fluent reader.

We also ask that you continue to read your child's library books, or any other "Good Fit" books with them, each day.  We understand the scheduling demands on families, and strongly encourage you to find 10-15 minutes each day for reading. Hearing someone read is another building block to a successful reader, and the more building blocks we can strengthen, the more confident and independent a reader becomes.

Please continue to work on the word rings, and return them for new ones once mastered.  We thank you for the continued support at home as we continue to develop reading skills.

PS. There are approximately 30 different word rings to master (as soon as possible)

Remembrance Day Service

Our Remembrance Day service will be held on Thursday afternoon at 1:30pm in the school gym.  The community is invited to attend.

Our class will be presenting a song and slide show during the service.