Thursday, March 30, 2017

Coronach Library Fundraiser

Order forms for a Coronach Library Fundraiser are coming home today in your child's backpack.  Please return forms by Tuesday, April 4th.  All information is in the note, and thank you in advance for your support!

Science and Seeds

Continuing with our study of living things, we are looking at the growth cycle of plants.  We planted a variety of seeds AND are documenting their characteristics along the way.  Here is the seed progress after 1 week.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

April Book Orders

Today your child is bringing home April book orders.  For books to arrive before Easter break, we ask that all orders are returned by Thursday.  If you would like to order any Easter gifts, please send a note along with the order and we will put them aside when they arrive.

Thanks in advance for your order and happy reading!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Our 3 Sisters Garden

As we study plants, we also study how some plants help one another while growing.  The First Nations story about the 3 Sisters Garden speaks to how the older sister (corn) helps the youngest sister (beans) by giving her support as she grows taller in the field.  The middle sister (squash) is a bit wild and out of control and grows all over the field BUT also shades the soil, keeping moisture in.

The story also tells us how each sister helps to feed the First Nations family over the winter.  Yesterday we created our very own 3 Sister Garden in the hallway!  Please ask you child to tell you about the 3 Sisters Garden and what they learned ~ thanks!

Bald Eagle Update

As we continue to watch our family of bald eagles for Science, we decided to post about them on our blogs.  Please have a look here to read what your child has been learning:

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Weekly Reading Journal

As we enter into our last term of the year the curricular expectations continue to grow.  We want to update you on what the Reading Journal expectations (which include Language Arts outcomes) are for the remainder of the school year.

Your child should now be printing all of the journal entries with proper printing and capitalization. We are asking for a minimum of 7 entries each week.  Students should also document how the book was read (by pictures, by words, shared reading with Dad, etc).

Below is an example of a completed Reading Journal and can be used for reference.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Bald Eagle Livestream Feed

Today we took some time to watch the Bald Eagle Livestream from Hanover, PA.  We discussed the technology used AND the characteristics of living things, and their ability to reproduce.  The estimated due date is tomorrow, so these livestreams are a great way to witness it.  The students were very excited and may ask for these links. Enjoy!

Bald Eagle Night Cam

Bald Eagle Live Cam

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Scholastic Book Orders for March

Today your child is bringing home Scholastic Book Orders for March. If you are interested in ordering from any of the catalogs, please return the order form(s) and cheque by Monday, March 20th.  Thank you and happy reading!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Student Led Conferences

Tuesday and Wednesday will be our Student Led Conferences.  Times have been scheduled in 15 minute intervals, and are scheduled school wide, so please do your best to arrive on time and to stay within the 15 minutes.  If you want to discuss anything further, let us know and we will schedule another time that is more convenient.

Monday, March 6, 2017

100 Years Old

We recently celebrated our 100th day of school by dressing up as 100 year old people.  With a little help from technology, we were also able to age ourselves to see what we would look like! Have a look at our blog posts here: