Friday, August 31, 2012

Classroom Information

Birthday Invitations:
I respectfully ask that no birthday invitations be brought to or delivered while students are at school. Delivering invitations at school often leads to hurt feelings, being left out, and unnecessary disruptions within the classroom.

Snacks: Each morning at 10:30 (right before recess) we will take about 10 minutes to have a snack. Each student is strongly encouraged to bring a snack for this time. I also encourage you to send healthy snacks and drinks, and that your child be able to open the snack/drink by themselves.  There is a nutrition/snack program at the school that is available to students, but remember this is not a guarantee each day.

Proper Outdoor Wear:
Students are scheduled to go outside during the day, so please ensure that they have outdoor clothing that is suitable to the weather. Even on rainy or very cold days, students are often taken outside for part of, or the entire, recess. Please do not assume that students will be staying indoors on such days, as that is not always the case.

Learning Links:
Websites that we use frequently in class will be posted on the blog in Learning Links.  This can be found on the right side of the Home Page.

Email Address

The easiest and quickest way for me to communicate with parents is by email.  I welcome communication from you through my work email  .  Please feel free to send emails if you know your child will be absent, if you have questions or concerns, etc.

I would appreciate your family email, or most active email address that your house uses.  I am hoping to use this as a way of communication in regards to minor things (needed supplies, success stories, minor incidences, etc.), as an email is much quicker than a phone call. If you would please send me an email to say hello so that I have your address on file, that would be greatly appreciated.  If you are a family in which the parents live in two homes, please pass this information along so that I can have contact with each parent if necessary.

I look forward to hearing from all of you!

Thanks again,
Christa Elder

Star of the Week Schedule

Sept. 17 Tyler
Sept. 24 Douglas
Oct. 1 Carter B.
Oct. 9 Ryan
Oct. 15 Owen
Oct. 22 Keanan
Oct. 29 Kalan
Nov. 5 Tatum
Nov. 19 Carter G.
Nov. 26 Gavin
Dec. 3 Braxon
Dec. 10 Nicholas
Jan. 14 Sarah
Jan. 21 Colton
Jan. 28 Ashton
Feb. 4 Jaylyn
Feb. 11 Reed
Feb. 25 Savannah
Mar 4 Trista
Mar 11 Braden
Mar 25 Kade
Apr 8 Kaden
Apr 15 Maia
Apr 22 Cody
Apr 29 Dashiel
May 6 Autumn
May 13 Bryanna
May 27 Hayden

Star of the Week

Each student will be "Star of the Week" for one week during the school year.  There are a number of categories that can be displayed at school, but do not feel obligated to do each one.  Feel free to send pictures, books, items that relate to each category.  The categories are:

1. My family
2. My friends
3. My pets
4. Where I was born
5. My favourite movie
6. My favourite book
7. My hobbies
8. My favourite food
9. My favourite toy
10. My favourite thing to do
11. My favourite place

There will be a "Star of the Week" bag sent home with your child that contains an outline and "cards" that you can use for the bulletin board display at school.  Please send this back for the Monday that your child is the star.  Please see the next post for the schedule.

Registration Forms and Fees

In your child's backpack (on Tuesday) will be registrations forms.  Please fill these out and return them to the school before Friday, September 7th. 

There is an SRC Fee for Grade 1 and 2 of $15.  Please send a cheque made out to Coronach School SRC and return before Friday, September 2nd.  This fee will cover SRC sponsored activities and Christmas dinner! 

Important Dates ~ September

Tuesday, September 4th
First day of School

Thursday, September 6th
5K Challenge/Open House
(more info to follow)

Friday, September 7th
Registration forms and fees due

Friday, September 21st
School Picture Day

*Please continue to check back, as dates may be added*

Student Helpers

Each day there are 6 jobs within the classroom:
1. Smartboard
2. Calendar
3. Weather
4. Fishbowl/Counting
5. Line Leader and Helper
6. Photographer

Each student will rotate through these jobs on their assigned day.
Students will be helpers on the following days:

Reed, Nicholas, Kalan, Tyler, Maia, Bryanna
Jaylyn, Gavin, Keanan, Carter B., Autumn
Ashton, Braxon, Owen, Douglas, Hayden, Kaden
Colton, Tatum, Ryan, Dashiel, Cody
Sarah, Carter G., Savannah, Trista, Kade, Braden

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school everyone!
I hope your summer was an enjoyable one!

This blog will once again be the main method of communication for our classroom. I will post any relevant and important information on here, and keep you updated with what is happening within our room. Things such as important dates, spelling lists, learning activities, websites, etc will all be posted on here, so please check back often.

For those of you on Facebook and/or Twitter, there is an option at the bottom of each post that allows you to post a link on either website. I also encourage you to pass this blog onto family members who can also keep track of the activities within our classroom.  There is an option to comment on each blog post as well, so do not hesitate to comment on activities, photos, etc. 

Again, welcome back to school! I am looking forward to a wonderful school year with you and your child!

Christa Elder