Monday, November 16, 2015

Student Led Conferences

Student Led Conferences will be held Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon/evening.  This is an opportunity for your child to show you all that he/she has learned in the first term of school.  You should have received an email with your conference time and teacher.  If you have not yet received this, please contact the school.

A few things to keep in mind when we have Student Led Conferences:

1)  They are in fact student led.  Ideally, the student will discuss what they have learned and what they plan to work on during this time.  That being said, the Grade One students are unfamiliar with this process and will need some prompting during their conference.  Grade Two students may also need a bit of prompting but should be able to complete the conference confidently.  This is a chance for your child to share, and brag, about all of the things they are learning.  If you have questions for your child during the conference, please ask.

2)  If you have concerns regarding your child, please let me know and we will schedule another time to discuss it.  We want the conference time to be about your child's learning, and future goals, but we will absolutely schedule another time where we can discuss any concerns that you may have.

3) Each conference is scheduled to last 15 minutes. Please do your very best to stick to this time, as the entire school is coordinated, and if I run late it will cause others to run late as well.  I will remind your child during the conference that we just have a few minutes left and we will wrap things up.   If you would like more time to discuss anything in regards to your child, we can schedule that for another time.

Thank you for your support and we will see you at conferences!

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