Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Grade One Home Reading

Tomorrow the Grade 1 students will bring home a reading package.  Each package contains about 5 or 6 books at a variety of levels.  Level A books are considered the easiest, with Level F being the highest level sent home at this time.  Packages should be completed and returned to school the following Wednesday for another exchange.

Each book is to be read at least once ~ ideally each book should be read 4 or 5 times.  How these books are read can vary each time ~ you can read the books to your child, they can read the entire book, you can partner read and share pages, etc.

Depending on the reading level of your child, they may start by reading only one or two words in the book, with you helping them through the rest.  This is absolutely fine, and just reinforce the positive things they are doing ~ pointing to each word, sounding words out, looking at pictures/letters for clues, etc.

The assignment sent home each week will focus on a variety of skills such as favourite parts, character traits, setting of the book, etc.  Please take the time to read with your child and help them through the assignments. I know the beginning stages of reading can be hard at times but it does get easier.  Repetition is best so read, read, read, and then read some more!

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